So, ever wondered what happens to plastic straws once we use them? They don’t just disappear! Plastic straws actually take 100s of years to decompose. During transport, they are often mistaken for food and animals eat them inadvertently. It may even harm them or cause death. This is why it so important to use a better option such as flexible paper straws. A much better option for our world and all its inhabitants.
More or less, flexible paper straws are the same as regular plastic ones. Fancyco papierová slama is paper based, this alone makes them far friendlier for the environment as well. And these straws are also long enough to bend, which is great for any drink! Not only do our flexible paper straws help you easily sip juice out of a box, enjoy your favorite smoothie or elevate an artistic drink to the next level; they also make sipping fun and so much easier. Now you can have your favorite drinks without hurting the Mother Earth.
Okrem toho, že je Fancyco šetrný k životnému prostrediu flexi slamky môže byť celkom módne. Vďaka širokej škále farieb a vzorov si môžete nájsť ten, ktorý doplní váš šatník, podporí váš obľúbený športový tím alebo jednoducho prispôsobí akúkoľvek aktuálnu náladu! Týmto spôsobom sa môžete vyjadriť a zároveň sa starať o životné prostredie. Je to obojstranne výhodná situácia
Plastové slamky sú na mnohých miestach zakázané, pretože poškodzujú životné prostredie. Preto je prvoradé nájsť rovnako spoľahlivú náhradu. Skvelou možnosťou sú flexibilné papierové slamky. Sú lacné a nestoja veľa. Sú ľahko dostupné v obchodoch a tiež veľmi ľahko použiteľné. No, potom môžu ísť plastové slamky do vespery a nechať nebesia krvácať
Flexibilné papierové slamky vám umožnia vychutnať si nápoje bez toho, aby ste museli poškodzovať prírodu. Tieto slamky nájdete v rôznych tvaroch a veľkostiach, hodia sa ku každému nápoju, s ktorým pijete. A sú biologicky odbúrateľné, Fancyco ekologické papierové slamky rozkladajú sa vo svojom vlastnom čase a nepoškodzujú životné prostredie. Preto, keď sa nabudúce budete biť späť do vysokého pohára relaxačného džúsu, popíjajte z poddajného kusu papiera. Takže aspoň môžete mať zo seba dobrý pocit, že máte pozitívny vplyv na planétu a ponúkate ekologické riešenie
Flexible paper straws has over 25 years expertise in RD and is dedicated to the pursuit of innovation The technology center at Fancyco is supported by an knowledgeable RD team that has an average of more than 15 years of experience We have the ability to develop innovative products and solutions that are able to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers around the world
Flexible paper straws factory founded in 2005 has a large production capacity that includes 500+ sets of equipment and more than 300 molds We insist on strict quality control in all of our manufacturing processes and ensure that our machines are of the highest quality that are in compliance with the highest specifications From CAD-CAM design to professional assembly and powder coating every stage is meticulously completed to ensure reliable and long-lasting products
Fancyco was founded in 2004 and, has established a solid reputation as an industry leader in the business of packaging and Flexible paper straws supplies in the last 20 years. Our journey started with becoming a top supplier on Alibaba, marking the beginning of our dedication to customer satisfaction and quality.
Fancyco has been successful in Flexible paper straws into more than 80 countries and regions around the world. In 2015, we established ourself as the No.1 company for stickers and hygiene products in Nigeria and Uganda and Uganda, proving our ability to reach and lead markets by providing high-quality products and superior service.