B’hekk, kif tissodisfa l-għatx tiegħek u tibda tiżbalja dawk ix-xarbiet favoriti tiegħek filwaqt li żżomm is-sbuħija li hija l-art tagħna? Imbagħad trid tipprova tibniet tal-karti Kompostabbli. Huma alternattiva kbira biex tikseb Imblokka l-ġbid tal-plastik magħmul mid-dar. I bet inti'd tkun sorpriż li tisma 'li anke tibniet tal-plastik biss jistgħu jieħdu MITJIET ta' snin qabel ma jieqfu jkissru jew jiddekomponu right? Hija problema kbira għall-oċeani u l-art tagħna. iżda t-tiben tal-Karta Kompostabbli huma differenti għax eventwalment jitfarrku fix-xejn fi ftit xhur. Dan ifisser li ma jeqirdu l-ebda annimali jew pjanti, u għalhekk huwa possibbli li l-pjaneta Dinja tinżamm nadifa. Barra minn hekk, dawn Fancyco tiben tal-karta huma b'saħħithom daqs dawk tal-plastik sabiex inti tista 'tgawdi meraq fit-togħma tiegħek u smoothies jew kola mingħajr ebda inkwiet.
Did you know that 8.3 billion straws are tossed each year on this planet? And now you put all of these things on 127 school buses, every single day. Can you just imagine that much trash? It’s a lot! You can save a percentage of this waste by using Compostable paper straws — it is some earth relief. Compost or trash the tiben tal-karti strixxi when you are finished with your beverage. In no time, your straw will be a nice addition to the mound of nutritious soils in which new plants can grow! Isn’t that amazing? You only have to make a small change in order for you to be an environment hero.
Allura dan mhux biss huwa l-aktar bidla sempliċi mill-plastik għal Kompostabbli, tazzi tal-karti kien ukoll pjaċevoli! Fil-Ħwienet, Ristoranti u Online Issa! Tista 'tagħżel waħda f'varjetà ta' kuluri sbieħ u stampi divertenti biex jaqbel mal-burdata tiegħek (jew l-ilbies! Kemm hu frisk? Huma wkoll qrib biżżejjed tal-ħaġa reali li jidħlu tajjeb fil-portmoni jew fil-backpack tiegħek u jistgħu jintużaw fuq festa ta’ għeluq wara nofsinhar, piknik jew anke fl-ikla tal-iskola Do you, Fancyco tiben favur l-ambjent bħala eko-salvatur li jista 'jixrob fl-iffrankar soundtrack tad-dinja iżda wkoll tkun eżempju għall-grupp ta' ħbiberija kollha tiegħek dwar kemm huwa faċli u hekk tajjeb u utli għall-omm art tagħna.
Straws, utensils and bags (otherwise known as single-use plastics) are actually wretched for our planet. It is the fact that these tiben tal-karti bl-ingrossa are single use and get thrown away which made no good for our Earth. More often than not, those things make their way to the ocean, harming sea creatures and throwing off our planet's essential equilibrium for fish (and other organisms) to mature into adulthood. YOU can do your part as a consumer and not buy plastic straws, but instead Compostable paper ones to save our planet. Moreover, You can tell your friends and family about these eco-friendly straws so that they use it.
Il-fatt li n-nies kienu mġiegħla jużaw tiben tal-karti Kompostabbli taha ħafna momentum sabiex din il-mewġa lejn futur aktar nadif. Jekk nibdew naħsbu biex innaqqsu l-iskart tagħna kollettivament, l-aħjar ħaġa li jmiss tkun riċiklata favur l-ambjent u użu mill-ġdid; jimminimizzaw il-konsum ħela tiegħek. Ilkoll irridu dik l-arja nadifa; ilkoll għandna bżonn l-ilma tax-xorb tagħna u l-art sigura: nafu li x-xogħol jagħmel differenza. Dan huwa meta l-annimali u l-pjanti jirnexxu bla ħsara. Għolli Fancyco tiben tal-karti favur l-ambjent għall-għada filgħodu, hawn rawnd ieħor fuqna lkoll.
Fancyco has expanded successfully into over 80 countries and areas worldwide. In 2015, Fancyco established itself as the number. one brand in health and Compostable paper straws in Nigeria and Uganda. This proved our ability to enter markets and lead them with excellent products and services.
Our Compostable paper straws boasts a robust capacity of production with over 500 machines and over 300 molds The manufacturing process we employ is characterized by a strict quality control system which ensures that our machines are of the highest grade and comply with strict standards Every step from CAD-CAM to powder coating and professional assembly is done with care to ensure the reliability and durability of our products
Fancyco has over Compostable paper straws years experience in RD and is a firm believer in technological advancement Our technology center is supported by an skilled RD team of experts with an average of 15+ years of experience This knowledge allows us to design cutting-edge products and solutions that are able to meet the requirements of our global clients
Fancyco was established in 2004, has established a Compostable paper straws reputation as a leader in the business of printing and packaging products in the past 20 years. As a gold-certified supplier on Alibaba, we marked an important milestone in our commitment towards quality and customer satisfaction.