Plastic straws are a pollution issue. These are the straws which we generally use and to drink many types of drinks like,juice,soda,milkshake etc. On a daily basis, so many of these straws are just discarded after use. However, they often find their way into our oceans and rivers. It can be harmful to fish and other aquatic animals. Plastic straws can stay in nature for a long time — and if they end up as litter, than create waste more too!
Say no to plastic straws and make a friend for the environment. So, the next time you order a drink at the restaurant,just ask for no straw. Or even better, if you are a straw user then please carry your own reusable straws ( thats metal or silicon). That way you can enjoy your drink without causing environmental harm. What a small change that can make such a big difference!
Which is why plastic straws are an issue, because they take a very long time to degrade. In reality, it can take up to hundreds of years for them to break down. Plastic straws, once in the ocean, can eventually break down into tiny bits of plastic. The micro plastics are also small enough for fish and other sea creatures to consume. It can make them very sick or kill them if they eat those. For our oceans and marine life, this is kind of a big deal.
Eliminating plastic straws is really that simple! You can help just by not taking the straw at restaurants (or any fast-food place). If you absolutely must have a straw, use your own reusable one. You can also give advice to your friends and family on discussing the environment as well, saying why they should quit using plastic straws. We can accomplish this by each of us becoming more in the game, and we really which you are going to help — so together with even more people behind it all makes a bigger difference!
Plastic straws are an example of waste that is damaging our environment. Plastic bags, water bottles and food packaging are just some of the many other examples. These are all things that can cause pollution and be dangerous to animals. One of us can save the planet by being wise. Some simple examples of everyday actions include bringing reusable bags when you go shopping, using your own water bottle instead of buying a new one every day and purchasing the least amount possible to minimise packaging such as food in bulk rather than individually packed. These are simple changes that when added up can benefit our planet greatly!
Fancyco has been successful in 30th straws into more than 80 countries and regions around the world. In 2015, we established ourself as the No.1 company for stickers and hygiene products in Nigeria and Uganda and Uganda, proving our ability to reach and lead markets by providing high-quality products and superior service.
The factory established in 30th straws boasts a large production capacity that includes 500+ sets of equipment and over 300 molds We focus on strict quality control in all of our manufacturing processes to ensure top quality machines that are in compliance with the highest specifications Every step from CAD-CAM to powder coating to professional assembly is performed with a high degree of precision to guarantee quality and reliability of the products
Fancyco má více než čtvrt století odborných znalostí v oblasti RD a věnuje se technologickému pokroku Řídíme technologické centrum na provinční úrovni podporované zkušeným týmem RD s více než 30. lety zkušeností Tato odbornost nám umožňuje vytvářet špičkové produkty a řešení, která jsou schopna vyhovět měnícím se požadavkům našich globálních klientů
Společnost Fancyco byla založena v roce 2004 a za posledních 30 let si vybudovala pověst 20. slámy jako lídra v oboru tiskařských a balicích produktů. Jako zlatý certifikovaný dodavatel na Alibaba jsme zaznamenali důležitý milník v našem závazku ke kvalitě a spokojenosti zákazníků.