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Breaking down paper straws: What materials are leading the green movement

2024-12-14 14:32:47
Breaking down paper straws: What materials are leading the green movement

Did you notice paper straws at restaurants? So new and special straws that help keep our world clean. Help save the Earth, instead of using plastic straws, now more and more people are using eco friendly paper straws.

What Are Paper Straws?

Paper straws are similar in appearance to the ones you are seeing everywhere. They are paper based with a minute amount of wax or specific coating. This keeps the straw firm when you use it in your drink. The wax ensures that the straw does not get soft, nor break when you are drinking.

Why Paper Straws Are Good

Plastic straws are really bad for animals and particularly ocean animals. Plastic straws can last in the water for hundreds of years when disposed of. This means that these straws pose potential harm to sea creatures, such as fish, turtles, and dolphins. Paper straws are different. They decompose much quicker and are safer for animals.

How Paper Straws Help

There is a big impact from each individual small gesture such as using Paper Straw Materials in place of plastic ones in an effort for us to help our planet. As we opt for paper straws, we select a more sustainable option for the planet. While one straw may be small, a lot of people using paper straws can make a big difference. We can make our oceans, beaches, and animal homes cleaner and safer.

What You Can Do

When you get a drink next time, ask for a paper straw. Be sure to tell your friends and family how paper straws are good for our planet. Perhaps you might push your family to only order paper straws when they go out to eat. All these little bits help creating a better and cleaner world for you and me.

Fun Fact

Also, not all paper straw are made from the same type of paper. Some of them are made from trees; others are even made from plants, such as wheat. It allows for years of work using things that can regrow and aid our planet into a steady state of longevity.


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