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wrapping straw

It is just so exciting to open it too and find out what you got! As you rip open the wrapping paper, excitement grows. That wrapping paper, though have you ever stopped and thought about where gift wrap goes after your present is unwrapped? Once in a blue Moon, that just goes to the trashpail and its not going anywhere good. We consume 381,893 miles of wrapping paper every single year - that's enough to wrap around the state of Montana! Replace that with a large amount of paper and waste! Now, if you enjoy wrapping gifts at the holiday season like I do–now it becomes even easier with cutting back literally!

Eco-friendly alternatives to traditional wrapping paper

Straw - If you are into wrapping gifts in a smart and pro Earth way then using straw is actually not such bad idea. Made from plants - which are a renewable resource If you throw it, except maybe destroying the nature itself and turning in into soil matter. What this means is it will not harm the Earth like regular wrapping paper, Straw is also dirt cheap, so you won't need to spend a lot of money on it! It is also so nice looking and looks really good, natural and snazzy giving gifts an excellent appearance'])){ [English version in the bottom of post]

Why choose Fancyco wrapping straw?

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