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straw wrapped

Ever seen a straw decoration? You probably take it as any other straw — and well, you would be wrong! The craft of straw wrapping has been around for a long, long time and it is easy to know why - this broad selection will allow you unlimited creative freedom. This is where you wrap some thin straw around something to present it in a prettier way. We will know everything about straw wrapping crafts, how to make fun decorations and why straw wrapper is good for the earth in this article. Let’s dive in!

Sipping straws have been around for years, and they actually come with a pretty interesting backstory. Its earliest usage traces back to ancient China where people used straw as a material for decoration of items. Straw was also used in the production of small toys, decorations and even household items. Straw wrapping became popular in countries like Japan, Korea and Vietnam after a while. During that time, people from these areas weave the straw wrapping into various sorts of things; compound fans, hats or even bins. Back in the day, they used to make clothes with straw wrapping! It is only a wonder how this art form has migrated from one culture to the other and yet been uniformly appreciated.

How to Make Beautiful Straw Wrapped Decorations

This is a really fun and quick little straw wrapping ornament. And you only need some basic'), conservative with materials(('straw', a glue gun and whatever else would like to wrap. Long straw from a crafts store or online After you get your straw, the first step is to cut it into small strips. You want to keep them as straight-as-possible BUT don’t sweat it if they are not picture perfect. Once you have the strips, take one of them and start wrapping it around your object. A glue the stick to keep your straw in place when you reach this part. A toothpick is useful for wrapping up the paper end if you are working with very small items You can also have any colorful looking straw to give a more cool and unique look in your decoration.

Why choose Fancyco straw wrapped?

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