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eco friendly straws

Whether you fancy plastic straws over paper ones, one things is certain about them... they're a huge culprit! It is harmful to the environment as well as our oceans. Really, plastic can take years and even several lifetimes to completely decompose. So, even after we are no longer in this world plastic will still be here - killing nature and its people.

And were you aware that the environment can actually benefit from all of us? Yes, we can! A simple one is changing from a regular straw made of plastic to an environmentally friendly green straw. How a little change can make all the difference to our planet

Sip sustainably with reusable straws

This is a great alternative to plastic straws, reusable straw. Bonus environmentally friendly tip: these are washable so you can use them again and again! You can find reusable straws in different materials such as metal, silicone or bamboo. They are vibrantly colored, incredibly sturdy and should last you a really long time. But for children, you are best to serve them with silicone straws or bamboo which you should throw away afterwards Using reusable straws help to save us from throwing too many plastic straws. Reducing the trash that we end up in our planet is never a bad idea!

Why choose Fancyco eco friendly straws?

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