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drinking straws paper

What about how many plastic straws are thrown out every time we all enjoy a drink? Plastic drinking straws make it as easy and not to mention fun for us to drink cups of water or snack on milk shakes without creating a mess. But they are bad for our planet. They do not break down quickly once we discard them and they can even be harmful to the ocean animals or land animals. So we need more choices instead of plastic straws. One of the best available options that most people are choosing is paper straws.

Say Goodbye to Harmful Plastics with Paper Straws

Since paper straws are biodegradable, these become a new trend line and more people are using them. This is a fancy word for paper straws because they breakdown in time Naturally so are way better on the environment compared to normal plastic ones. Its uses become irrelevant to you once they are used, because made out of paper anyway it disposed — don't worry. While plastic straws can linger in landfills for many years sometimes even hundreds of thousands of yrs, paper ones will disappear within weeks. Goodbye bad plastic and hello kind paper straw to our Earth!

Why choose Fancyco drinking straws paper?

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