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decorative paper drinking straws

Want to know something really cool going on with drinks? Remember the tacky little plastic straws that people use? Dear Louis,Well we have it in the bag now — decorative paper straws! Not only are these straws fancy and fun, but they make a difference in saving our planet. They are not only beautiful; they also contribute to environmental friendliness. You can read how awesome paper straws are here! Keep reading!

Mad Respect for Paper Straws A Straw, You may think it's a small thing but yes, It can be our Earths Big Thing:) Plastic straws are typically single-use items, and thus discarded in the trash following only one use. This is not good for our planet because that generates lots of waste going to garbage. Did you know these plastic straws take forever to break down and some could continue floating in the earth for almost hundreds of years. It seems like forever for something so small.

The Paper Straw Revolution

Now here is the kicker: paper straws are recyclable! In less environmentally unfriendly terms, this pretty much means that they do not cause as many problems for the environment as plastic ones.toFloat Left And come back(jQuery("#story.partials a")[9])LoremRTCfalse; You throw a paper straw away when you are done with it, and that can be recycled — made into something else again! ???? And paper straws are cuter than plastic ones. Fun colors & patterns These can be selected according to your party decore or the attire of your favorite. You can also draw on them or write funny messages to your friends. How cool is that?

This makes you think how come paper straws became popular in the first place. A few years ago, humans collectively woke up to the fact that a massive amount of plastic—not all by trashy landside coasts—was ending up in what amounts for habitat and food zones for sea animals. So then restaurants and businesses went to using paper straws for those who want a “non plastic” straw. Initially, some people did not think that paper straws were better because they broke easily due to their fragile and delicate nature compared with plastic. But, companies got to work making some truly amazing paper straws and now you'd never know the difference ( or dare we say they are better!) than plastic ones.

Why choose Fancyco decorative paper drinking straws?

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