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brown straws

Brown straws have become a favorite nowadays! More and more people are turning to brown straws instead of the traditional plastic variety because it is much kinder on our planet. In this article, we will learn about Brown Straws which are super beneficial for our environment and how they used in our restraunts cafes.

Materials used for brown straws: Paper, Bamboo Verdict: Better for the environment than plastic straws For example, plastic straws can take hundreds of years to break down naturally! This can be long enough to do harm to an animal or their habitat. In contrast, brown straws are biodegradable so they can just safely break down and managed as compost material. Each step counts in reducing the trash accumulated at landfills, which keeps our planet a tidier place.

Meet the brown straw movemen

The brown straw movement are environmental activists. All the children in Australia who think they can make a difference, no matter how little their actions may seem The deployment of brown straws is obviously only a drop in the ocean when it comes to addressing our impact on the planet. It is time to stop and think before you act and how everyone can take steps to heal the Earth we live on.

Why choose Fancyco brown straws?

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